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Linux Mint 21.3, Tenebra 1.02. Graphics and sound effects are excellent except for the foot steps when the player is moving. I would like an option to disable that sound. (Exactly the opposite of the C64 versions for me.) Neither the Trooper 2 joystick or iNext D pad controllers will work with the game but the keyboard works great. I miss the level codes and being able to disable the flashing and seeing the level at the end of each. Thank you for all the work on this game, and it is fun to play.

Hello! Thank you very much for your very generous support so far! I really appreciate it.

The joystick input should be handled by the Orx engine directly. I'll ask in their support forum regarding your OS and joystick configuration.

As for the footsteps, if you find them annoying you can rename/delete the sound files "walk1.wav" to "walk5.wav" from the "Tenebra\Res\Sounds" directory.

Hey! Game seems to have a bug - As far as I am aware, when you come across a Brazier that is off, you are only supposed to be able to light it if the player has a torch in hand. But I have been able to light them without having a torch. First noticed it on Level 20. 

Yes, you are right! Such an obvious oversight and nobody picked it up in the past year and a half.

Thanks for reporting it.


The game is running way too fast on my machine. It's almost impossible to move in a precise way. Is there a way to lower the movement speed of the character?



This is strange. The game should be synchronised to 60FPS. Can you please send an email to the address mentioned in the  ReadMe with the specs of your machine and the OS? Thanks.

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I cannot get it to work on my manjaro linux powered laptop.

Here is the log:
[LOG] Tenebra Demo v1.00, built Jul 12 2022 22:57:40 (Linux)
[17:35:28] [LOG] Desktop size: 1280x800 
[17:35:28] [LOG] Framebuffer size: 1536x960
[17:35:28] [LOG] Screen size: 1536x960
[17:35:28] [LOG] Minimum resolution of 1536x960 is required, quitting.
[17:35:28] [LOG] Found 8 levels.

Notice: I cannot get something greater than 1280x800 on my laptop. Will try on my Archlinux based system later this week. I only hope its 19 inch monitor will get the required resolution.

Yes, the display size is the problem. Currently the minimum supported display size is 1536x960. 

I am planning to add support for smaller resolutions in the near future. In the meantime, I hope you can get your hands on a bigger monitor!

My biggest monitor is a 19 inch one. With a little luck, I can reach 1536x960. But I'm not 100% sure it will be the case. I'll wait for the revised version with smaller resolution.

Done. Try now.

(1 edit)

It works really better now. Thanks a lot!

Amazing to see it works natively on Linux :)


Does this run on Windows 7 x64?

In theory it should, however I could not get my hands on a Windows 7 machine to try it. Please give it a try and let me know how you go. Thanks!

Your resolution fix, solved the problem!

Great! So it works fine under Windows 7?


Thanks for confirming.

Wow! what tools are you using to create this game??


The game is written in C and uses Orx Portable Game Engine. The graphics are based on the Commodore 64 version of the game and were created using GIMP. The levels are the same as the C64 version.

Thanks for the info! I didn't know him.