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Awesome preview !

Such original ideas with the map system.  Can't wait to see how big the final game will be.  Awesomeness...!!!  : ) 

hmmm... :-)

Yeah there are a few corner-case issues with the ladders.

very good

Great game, thank you.


Will we have ingame music in the final version?


Yes, that's the plan.

It's going to be a great game!


looks so promising !! keep on the good work !!

I am looking forward to this sequel as I am enjoying the first game, I am currently playing. @5x years old, my reactions are not as good as they used to be. Finding it hard but enjoyable. Wonderful to see games still being written for the c64. I am getting more enjoyment playing these new c64 games than playing modern games on my PS5. Please keep up the fantastic work!

Thank you. 

Yes. Keep me posted! Will there be a boxed, floppy, tape version?


Please keep me in the loop Haplo! NIXY is AWESOME



Any plans for an Amstrad CPC version? 🙏

Not at the moment, but maybe!

(1 edit)

I'll take a 'maybe'! 😃 Meantime I need to find out how to get the Speccy version onto my +2A.

¡¡Que bueno!!


C64 port of original Nixi game was a masterpiece.


Looks nice and keeps the style!

Awesome! Love the first one 😍